NAD+ Therapy
NAD+ is found in every cell in your body and aids in rejuvenating the age and health of a person. It works by improving the cellular processes at the mitochondrial level within the cell. NAD+ is administered through an iV infusion or an iM shot and generates the following benefits:
- Improved brain function
- Anti-aging properties
- Better sleep
- Reduce depression
- Lower stress levels
- Boost energy
Load Option #1
Five consecutive days of NAD+ IV infusion sessions, followed by a maintenance program.
Load Option #2
Five weeks (1x/wk) of consecutive NAD+ IV infusion sessions, followed by a maintenance program.
Load Option #3
Five consecutive days of NAD+ IM injection sessions, followed by a maintenance program.
Based on your goals, we will recommend weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly NAD+ sessions.
Dosage Options
NAD+ dosages range from 100mg – 1000mg.
Clear your mental fog. Slow down your body's aging process. Help cells regenerate. Protect your body against damage. Embrace the new and improved version of yourself.
Keep your brain healthy
NAD+ can activate your brain’s neuron function by helping cells regenerate and protect them against damage.
Eliminate chronic fatigue
NAD+ plays an important role in the chemical process of creating energy.
Slow down your aging
NAD+ helps slow down the body’s aging process by ensuring proper cell function.